item: ₹0.00
item: ₹0.00

If you continue to browse and use this web site, HENVILLA mobile app, you are agreeing to comply with the following terms of use, which together with our Privacy Policy govern the HENVILLA relationship with you in relation to this web site/ Mobile app.


Before an order can be placed with us, you are required to complete the registration form using our online service.

Once you have completed the registration form, the order will deemed to have been placed. We will send you confirmation of receipt of the registration form detailing the information on the registration form. This will be done immediately our Customer Service department, whichever method you specify.

Acceptance of the order takes place when we confirm receipt of the registration form by email or call. Delivery will be made as per our fix delivery pattern.



Cost of HENVILLA will vary based on the products sold in the respected Zone of Districts. The exact cost relevant to your order will be detailed on your payment request.

The prices are reviewed periodically and can be changed Payment can be made online at our HENVILLA Mobile App. This is an automated payment system. Payment can also be made by handover to our Collection executive.

In case of payment failure, we are not liable for the same.If your cheque happens to bounce due to insufficient funds or any other technical reason like signature mismatch, you would have to additionally bear penalty fee charges.